
Universo Ferrari: the first exhibition of beasts for the biggest fans


There is probably no brand in the automotive world that is as popular and respected as Ferrari - and in all likelihood, this is precisely the reason that they will prepare something very special for their fans, namely the first exclusive public exhibition of their models, which named Universo Ferrari.

Recently, an Italian court ruled that Ferrari 250 GTO it is no longer just a car, which is among others the most expensive car in the world, rather he became a work of art/work of art – and in honor of all their achievements they will prepare at Ferrari special a treat for your fans, Universo Ferrari.

They will open their own for the Universo Ferrari event business premises, workshops and the rest premises in an Italian city Maranello. They will be for the purpose of the event set up the building, in which they will be potential and already existing ones to customers on personal way presented the classic program, gasoline-sports activities and showed off all current models in the offer.

They did not forget about the super sports car Ferrari SF90 Stradale, which was presented to the world public in the month of May.

Fortunately it is not necessary to be part of the rich elite, to be at the event invited and looked at it up close. They will determine during the exhibition a few days, which will be intended to the general public.

Universo Ferrari will open in the month September – when the open days for the general public will be available, but it will be necessary to monitor Ferrari website.

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