
Unlucky ones

The film adaptation of Victor Hugo's timeless novel is an adaptation of the award-winning stage musical. The story is set in France at the beginning of the 19th century, when the wayward Jean serves a long prison sentence for stealing bread. On the loose, he meets a factory worker and prostitute Fantina and promises her that he will take care of...

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The film adaptation of Victor Hugo's timeless novel is an adaptation of the award-winning stage musical. The story is set in France at the beginning of the 19th century, when the wayward Jean serves a long prison sentence for stealing bread. On his free time, he meets a factory worker and prostitute Fantina and promises her that he will take care of her illegitimate daughter Cosette. When Paris is engulfed in the flames of the French Revolution, Jean finds himself in direct conflict with his longtime adversary, Inspector Javert, and a fateful decision that changes his life forever.


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