
Unjudged Love: What to do when you're in a relationship but in love with someone else?

You can't always—if ever—choose who you fall in love with. Love appears when you least expect it, it "hits" with all its might, you have no control over it. Love is tender, crazy, blind, intense, it occupies all your thoughts. It is a time when you make thousands of mistakes, but you do not see them - neither in yourself nor in him. BUT what if he finds you when you are already in a relationship?

Does everything still sound so perfect? NO. If someone has really rocked your world and you don't know how to get out of the mess of your emotions, take a step back and HONESTLY ask yourself the following.

1. “Do I actually want to make a move with this person? It's easier to dream and flirt innocently, isn't it?”
2. "What if this person does not return my feelings in the same measure and does not have the qualities that I dream of and expect?"
3. "Why did I get close to this person?"
4. "Who is he/she? What did he charm me with?”
5. “Is it worth it?”
6. “What will happen if I cross the border? Am I aware of the consequences?”
7. "What kind of future do I envision with this person?"
8. "In what relationship do I see myself with him/her?"
9. "What was my love life like before this person entered my life?"
10. "How will I look my partner in the eye?"

Answer the above questions HONESTLY.
Answer the above questions HONESTLY.

Whatever you do, don't lie to yourself! Don't live the dream because it's happening NOW! Imagine that the partner you are in a relationship with is with someone else! What are your feelings? Do you care? Think if the person you are in love with also has a partner, how would you feel in his place? Are you happy with the person you are with? Would you share this person with others? Would you be satisfied with this person being only half yours?

Don't delay, cancel now!

It is best to forget about this person. End the unwritten story in the making before it affects you or anyone else. Be realistic, would you really leave your partner for this person you don't even know just because they make you feel wanted? Probably not. If you love your current partner, don't search and get confused thinking how to love two people. It's not worth it! Someone will always get hurt. Rather fall in love in your dreams, let everything remain just a fantasy, joke about it with your partner, improve your relationship with your partner: be YOU again shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand.

If you love your current partner, don't search and get confused thinking how to love two people.
If you love your current partner, don't search and get confused thinking how to love two people.

Falling in love wears off, the damage you can do to yourself and others can be irreversible, and then what happens in a year or two? Will you change partners all your life? Falling in love should not be a reason or an excuse for rash and rash decisions. Think about what binds you and your partner together. He knows you well, he is also aware of your mistakes, he has been with you through your ups and downs, and yet he loves, supports, respects and accepts you! Would you throw away everything you've created for a stranger? Do you realize what you have? Is it worth losing everything because of a fleeting crush? NO.

And finally, think: if you urgently needed someone at this moment, who would you contact first? On a partner or...?

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