
Urban holidays for active children

It's okay if we're stuck at home during winter break. Our children will therefore not be disadvantaged at all, as they can take advantage of various activities. Urban Roof in Ljubljana is preparing a very special five-day program of urban sports.

Important information
Milana Majcna Street 6, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
5 euros for five days.

Five carefree winter days can go by in the blink of an eye if we make good use of them. We don't have to venture up snowy slopes or drag sleds high up the bank to keep our kids busy. They will surely be impressed Urban holidays, which they can attend children from the age of six and are suitable for both beginners and those with prior knowledge.

The youngest can learn to skateboard.
The youngest can learn to skateboard.

Children can choose just one sport, or try them all and take part in a 90-minute course sport climbing, skateboarding and roller skating, BMX, breakdance and hip hop. The courses will take place in the morning in the indoor spaces of the center or in the outdoor skatepark.

BMX is still one of the most popular forms of urban sports.
BMX is still one of the most popular forms of urban sports.

We believe that little athletes are tough and full of enthusiasm, so in addition to good will and the desire to learn new things, they only need equipment for the individual sport. V Urban Roof they have quite a few pieces of equipment available to rent, but you must specify what you would like to rent when you sign up. We must not forget the protective equipment, which is mandatory in the skatepark and which the children bring with them.

Sport climbing.
Sport climbing.

Children can be registered for Urban holidays at the Urban Roof center during opening hours until the program starts. Registration is confirmed when we pay the contribution for all five days, which amounts to five euros.

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