
Valentine's recipe: strawberry puff pastry cake (millefeuille)

How will you surprise your (better) half this year? With a great dessert, of course. We have prepared a recipe for millefeuille or strawberry puff pastry cake. Simple preparation, fantastic results.

We have prepared Valentine's recipe, with which you will impress your partner. Let the celebration begin with strawberry puff pastry cake!

Mmmmm! Strawberry puff pastry cake (millefeuille) is so delicious.
Mmmmm! Strawberry puff pastry cake (millefeuille) is so delicious.

Ingredients for strawberry puff pastry cake:

  • pastry
  • 3 teaspoons of sugar

For the cream:

  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of starch
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 6 strawberries

Preparation of strawberry puff pastry cake:

In a microwaveable bowl, beat the egg yolks with the sugar until pale yellow. Add the starch and beat well. Add vanilla extract and milk and mix to obtain a homogeneous mass. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap (don't make it too 'tight') and microwave for 4 minutes, stirring halfway through. Remove from microwave and stir, let cool for at least half an hour.
Cut the puff pastry into three equal rectangular pieces and prick it with a fork. Cook or bake the dough for 10 minutes in a bowl with a non-stick coating at low temperatures. Turn over and cover with a lid. Leave for an additional 10 minutes, remove the lid and sprinkle one tablespoon of sugar over the dough. Turn the dough so that the sugar layer is on the bottom. Increase the temperature. Place a piece of baking paper over the dough and press the dough down with the help of another pan. When the surface is caramelized (1 to 2 minutes), remove from the stove and let the dough cool to room temperature.
Using a piping bag with a round tip, pipe the cream onto the first layer of dough. Cover with a layer of sliced strawberries, add cream on top and cover with dough. Repeat the process. At the end, you can 'season' the dessert with powdered sugar. Have a good run!

You can also watch the preparation in the attached video:

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