
Vases with a secret message

Vases that take advantage of negative space.

Vases come in very different shapes, but ceramicist Greg Payce's vases are something special from this point of view. Take a closer look and you'll know what we're talking about. Hint, read between the lines or in this case, between the vases.

So that you can really admire the works by ceramist Greg Payce, you must read between the lines or in this case, between the vases. When his vases of various shapes arrange next to each other, the space created between them draws different images, from a face, a woman's body, a snake, etc.

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Inspiration for vases from the collection Alumina Payce found in a series of two-dimensional vases by a Danish psychologist Edgar Rubin from 1915, which create optical illusion. His works are in truth three-dimensional reproduction of these pictures, where he makes excellent use of them negative space (the space between the vases), which creates different silhouettes.

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