
Verdure - self-watering pot for growing herbs at home

Self-watering herb pot Verdure

More and more people today are looking for fresher, more organic and more locally produced food, as the desire for a healthy diet is stronger than ever. And it starts with herbs, which are one of those ingredients that we use on a daily basis. Some have them (not fresh) in doses (transparent jars), while others are planted in pots and on the windowsill. Both of them will now easily come up with the Verdure planter, a self-watering pot that aesthetically grows herbs in the kitchen and satisfies both camps.

Verdure it is self-watering pot for growing herbs and is the fruit of a designer Seoyeonjin Choi. It is created for anyone who wants fresh ingredients at home, in this case fresh herbs, but they don't have a sense of gardening, i.e. they have "green fingers" or they are simply forgetful when it comes to taking care of indoor plants. Choi drew her inspiration for it from the increased emphasis on, and consequent interest in healthier eating.

READ MORE: Glowpear - a plant trough with a self-watering system

When you don't have a minute to work with growing herbs.
When you don't have a minute to work with growing herbs.

The stylish Verdure uses ti capillary irrigation or micro drip irrigation system. That means that the soil can be supplied with water as soon as it becomes dry. Herbs light is provided by a halogen bulb (operates on batteries) so sunlight is not required and the pot can be hung anywhere.

The Verdure self-watering herb pot takes care of practically everything by itself.
The Verdure self-watering herb pot takes care of practically everything by itself.

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