
[Video] Rescue drone - the future of rescue

Rescue drone

When an accident occurs, the response time of emergency responders is often a key life-or-death factor. Then seconds count, not minutes. It is necessary to rush to the scene of the accident in a short time, but this is often impossible, as drivers still do not know how to organize themselves well enough and quickly make room for intervention vehicles. That's why we welcome the solution prepared by Argo Design, which has produced a self-driving rescue drone that can fly itself to the scene of an accident and enable rapid intervention.

They are rescue drones the future of rescue? It is highly likely that in the future, instead of ambulances or helicopters, we will be transported to hospitals by drones, which have the advantage of easier and faster break through to hard-to-reach places. Because seconds count in accidents, it can mean the dividing line between life and death.

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A prototype of a rescue drone that is able to fly to the scene of an accident by itself and next to it emergency medical assistance also transport rescuer, were produced by a Texan company Argo Design from Austin (USA). It's small enough to fit practically anywhere (making it even more efficient than its bigger brother helicopter), and the rescuer can operate it himself, otherwise it is steered with help GPS-a, but a combination of both is also possible.

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