
Villa Andor

The coast is romantic in itself, especially during beautiful sunsets, even more beautiful sunrises and beautiful sunny days. But cuisine can also be romantic. Especially if it is offered to us in the beautiful surroundings of the lush Mediterranean park in Ankaran. There, on the hill above the road that leads...

Basic information
Villa Andor
Vineyard route 9
every day from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m
(05) 615 50 00

The coast is romantic in itself, especially during beautiful sunsets, even more beautiful sunrises and beautiful sunny days. But cuisine can also be romantic. Especially if it is offered to us in the beautiful surroundings of the lush Mediterranean park in Ankaran. There, on the hill above the road that leads from Ankaran to Lazaret, we find Villa Andor, which boasts an excellent restaurant, where we will "tast" the freshness of seafood, selected meat and a range of vegetarian dishes in the light of candles. Depending on the time of year, they also prepare themed offers, such as Mediterranean days, days for lovers or a special offer for Martini. When choosing a dish, it will be best to trust the waiter, who will be able to advise us on the correct choice of wine in addition to advice on the seasonal offer. Given that we are on the Slovenian coast, Refoško is almost impossible to miss, but we will still choose from a rich range of red and white wines from Slovenian winemakers. The evening will be sweetened with a selection of home-made sweets, and Andor also offers us an after-dinner party, because in addition to the restaurant, there is a casino in the facility, where we can try gambling, or if we are not so daring, we can treat ourselves to a massage or other relaxation in the wellness center. As the evening draws to a close, we will be able to rest peacefully or continue the romantic evening in one of the fourteen comfortable rooms.

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