
Vinyls on the plan!

For all irredeemable nostalgics who still swear by the warm sound of old vinyl records, the Novak LP-to-MP3 Recorder will be more than an interesting product. As the name itself suggests, with the analog player we will be able to record sound from LP-records in digital .mp3-format (it also supports WAV and WMA). The turntable has both integrated speakers and ...

For all irredeemable nostalgics who still swear by the warm sound of old vinyl records, the Novak LP-to-MP3 Recorder will be more than an interesting product. As the name itself suggests, with the analog player we will be able to record sound from LP-records in digital .mp3-format (it also supports WAV and WMA). The turntable has both integrated speakers and an RCA output for connecting external speakers. It rotates the records at all three speeds (33, 45 and 78), but the essence is hidden in the USB connection, through which the audio recording is easily digitized. We connect the turntable to the PC, and the included software does the rest of the work, with a little help from us, of course. The only downside of the Novak is the manual in Japanese.

Price: 165 euros, available at www.japantrendshop.com


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