
Viride: a decorative flower pot with its own light source

Viride flower pots

Most indoor plants not only need enough water to function, but also enough light. Sometimes we can't guarantee this, but this will no longer be a problem in the future, because Goula/Figuera Studio has created decorative flower pots that have their own light source.

A lot indoor plants it needs to function enough light, which we sometimes cannot provide. Fortunately, they are with the company Goula/Figuera produced a collection of black matte flower pots Viride (Latin term for green) with artificial ones LED lights, which circulate and ensure that the plant gets enough radiation.

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There are three different pots (Enter Viride, Viride Uno, Viride Dos), which are designed to suit different plant morphologies. The LEDs light up periodically, depending on how much light the plant needs. Viride Dos also has humidifier.

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