
Vlado Kresln - Concert in Ljubljana

Vlado Kreslin will inspire us with a new classic!

Important information
Križanke, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

He started his musical career in 1970 as a drummer in his first band Apollo. The groups Špirit group (Murska Sobota) followed (1973), Horizon (Ljubljana) (19751978). Years 1980 won the Slovenian songs with a song A day of endless dreams. Three years later he joined the group Martin Krpan; this one is after the performance with Bob Dylan years 1991 disintegrated. Kreslin then met with The Beltin gangdevoted to folk music and caused a real revival of ethnic music in Slovenia. Eventually, he returned to original music with a band Little gods. He also collaborates with multi-instrumentalist Adam Bicskey. He is the author of all the texts, which he set to music himself or in collaboration with the composer and guitarist Miro Tomassini, with whom he has been working since That Black Guitar in 1985. Vlado Kreslin often collaborates with foreign and younger local musicians. Since 1992, usually at the beginning of December, in Cankar's home organizes traditional concerts with guests. Years 2005 came out triple CD/DVD A concert containing music from six concerts. Kreslin also sings in his native language, v Prekmurčina.

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