
Vogue has selected 15 legendary long hairstyles that will make you cancel your hairdresser

Photo: Gisela's IG

Regardless of the trends that bring us really great short hairstyles, long hair will forever remain synonymous with untamed beauty. This is also the opinion of Vogue magazine, where they compiled a list of long hairstyles that will make you cancel your haircut!

There are also some unexpected names on this list. The red-haired goddess of beauty, love, peace and fertility found her place on Vogue's list Venus, painted by Sandro Botticelli in his series of mythological paintings for the Medici family. It's here too The Lady of Shalott from the most famous painting by the British painter John William Waterhouse.

Sandro Botticelli, Birth of Venus

Of course, next to the painted beauties, there are also real ones. Beautiful long hair is one of the trademarks of the famous Brazilian model Gisele Bundchen. Her golden wavy hair has seen her often advertise hair care and styling products throughout her career.

"For special occasions, it's left to the hairdressers, but at home I have a simple trick for my wavy hair. I wait until the hair is almost completely dry, then I put it up in a high bun, spray it with hairspray and leave it for a while. When I let my hair down, I get a nice relaxed wavy hairstyle,” says Gisele.

Check out the gallery for other celebs who have the perfect long hairstyles according to Vogue!

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