
The Volkswagen Group has doubled sales of electric vehicles in 2021 and is already overtaking Tesla

Photo: Volkswagen

In the past year, Volkswagen successfully continued its transformation into a sustainable, software-oriented mobility concern and, compared to the previous year, almost doubled the sale of battery electric vehicles (to 452,900 vehicles). The share of these vehicles in the total volume of sales was 5.1 percent (previous year: 2.5 percent). It is already ahead of Tesla in certain markets, also due to the wide range of models and brands in the group.

In Europe, the concern is by far the leading provider of fully electric vehicles, and in the USA, which is considered an important export market, it has the second largest market share of around 7.5 percent. It sold 92,700 battery electric vehicles in China, more than quadrupling its sales volume compared to 2020. The sales of plug-in hybrids also increased significantly at the global level with 309,500 vehicles (61 percent more). In total, the concern delivered 8,882,000 vehicles to customers worldwide. The global shortage of semiconductors – in line with the forecast – led to a slight decline in sales of 4.5 percent compared to 2020, despite strong demand and order quotas being filled.

The year 2021 illustrates how the business model of the Volkswagen Group is changing. Sources of income will gradually shift even more significantly: from classic models with gasoline or diesel engines to zero-emission electric cars, and from vehicle sales to software and mobility services, to which key technology will make a significant contribution autonomous driving. The Volkswagen Group plans that in 2030 every second car sold worldwide will have a fully electric drive design.

The consistent electrification of the sales range is also reflected in the investment plan that the Volkswagen Group presented in December and applies to the period from 2022 to 2026. In it, investments in fixed assets and development costs for electric mobility are higher than in previous planning by around 50 percent and now amount to 52 billion euros.

At the global level, the following all-electric models of the group achieved the largest sales volume in 2021:

  • Volkswagen ID.4, 119.600, driving 217 of them in Slovenia
  • Volkswagen ID.3, 75,500 vehicles
  • Audi e-tron (incl. with Sportback model), 49,200 vehicles
  • ŠKODA Enyaq iV, 44,700 vehicles
  • Volkswagen e-up!1, 41,400 vehicles
  • Porsche Taycan (incl. with Turismo model), 41,300 vehicles

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