
Volvo C40 Recharge: an electric future embraced

New electric Volvo - Volvo C40

Photo: Volvo

Although the automotive industry has long been hesitant to truly embrace the arrival of electric vehicles, it finally seems that we have all reached a crucial turning point in our efforts to build a more sustainable future. The proof is also the new Volvo C40, which seriously indicates the future of this brand already this autumn.

Although electric cars were once a niche offering with only a few different models on the market, today you'd be hard-pressed to find an automaker without something in its lineup. Thus, the year 2021 seems to be a breakthrough year also in the field of electric cars, which are finally becoming the so-called "mainstream".

Take Volvo as an example. After the first presentation of the all-electric model XC40 Recharge in 2019, the Swedish brand is back with a sportier electric model, named C40 Recharge. It's based on the XC40, and you'll immediately notice that much of the exterior silhouette is very recognizable, except that the taller height and boxy boot have been swapped for a sharper, lower-profile roofline.

Image gallery: Volvo C40

What's more, it comes with the same pair of motors as the electric XC40 on the front and rear axles, which squeeze out about 400 horses from the battery and serve a range of about 420 kilometers according to the WLTP measurement cycle. The newcomer accelerates to 100 km/h in less than 5 seconds (4.7s).

Thanks to fast charging compatibility, the C40's 78 kWh battery can be topped up to the 80% in just 40 minutes. The price has not yet been announced, but Volvo plans to start production as early as this fall.

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