
A walk around Slovenia with Google Street View

Zvezda Park

Starting today, Slovenia is also one of the 55 countries through which we can virtually walk with the help of the Street View service of the American web giant Google.

Already last summer, at first it occupied the streets of Ljubljana, then the other streets of larger and smaller towns Google's ten cars, which used the 360-degree photography technique until October to collect panoramic views of our small but diverse country. Minor complications followed due to coordination between the requirements of the Slovenian Information Commissioner and Google's refusals, which delayed the official launch. After the conclusion of the agreement that, in accordance with our legislation on the protection of privacy rights, all faces and license plates of vehicles in the videos are blurred, everything was finally ready for Slovenia to show its charms within the virtual world Street View.

The application, which can be translated as a street view, was introduced by Google as an experimental project to upgrade its Google online maps back in 2007. The original, more or less improvised technology, which consisted of computers in the trunk and a camera, lasers and a GPS device on the roof car, has made great progress to date. Starting with American cities, Street View now includes panoramic views from all seven continents, including neighboring Italy, Croatia and Hungary.

That's why we are proud to write about today, when anyone in the world can drive through the beauties of Slovenia from the comfort of their armchair.

Tips for using Street View footage can be seen in the video below.

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