
Wandering the roads of the world

Endless road, bleached asphalt, wilderness, wind in the hair and freedom - all these are road trips, aimless wanderings on the roads. This time we are going to different parts of the world in search of the most famous, famous, interesting and panoramic ones.

From America's mother of all roads, Route 66, to a short Norwegian stretch with incredible construction. Roads for all tastes.

Route 66, USA
From Chicago to California, the 3,040-kilometer-long famous Route 66, so called the Mother Road, the mother of all roads, winds. Completed in 1926, Route 66 begins in Chicago and winds through three time zones and eight states: Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and ends in Los Angeles. In 1938, the road became the first fully paved road. Quite a few places on the route were known for their danger, some parts of the route were even given the unofficial name Bloody 66. Nevertheless, Route 66 has not lost any of its popularity because of this. Due to its fairly flat surface, it has become very popular among truck drivers. In the 1930s, during the so-called Dust Bowl - a series of dust storms caused by a prolonged drought in the central states of the United States - Route 66 served as an important route for all farm families traveling in search of new work. During World War II, this road was popular with migrants going to California to work, and it was also used to transport military equipment. In the 1950s, Route 66 mainly served vacationers heading to Los Angeles. In 1985, Route 66 was officially removed from the US highway system. A section of the route that crosses Illinois, Missouri, New Mexico and Arizona became known as Historic Route 66 and parts of the route in California were called State Route 66. For most of those who take this route today, the destination is not important, because Route 66 is an experience and a long adventure in itself. The history carried by the po,t offers quite a few interesting things. Along the way we see the oldest ‒ 70-year-old Dixie Truckers Home, the oldest motel along the way, the Blue Swallow Motel, the Grand Canyon, the windy Arizona trails and the beautiful views there, the Cadillac Ranch and many other attractions. For many, the most interesting are the roadside motels and restaurants, where in some places it seems that time has stopped years ago. Elsewhere, modern fast food chains announce the time we're in. However, Route 66 is the personification of America, and therefore the hamburger and fries belong there.

Atlantic Ocean Road, Norway
Wild nature and sharp bends are what put Norway's barely 8.3-kilometer-long section of County Road 64, called the Atlantic Ocean Road, on many lists that evaluate the most beautiful roads. The section lies in the northern part of the coastal area of Hustadvik and connects the cities of Kristiansund and Molde. The latter is known for its jazz festival in July, which attracts many visitors along this road. Construction of the road began in 1983 and was completed five years later, as 12 hurricanes hit the area during that time. The road is built on many small islands, connected by eight bridges and even more viaducts. It offers a view of the open sea, which is otherwise not typical of Norwegian roads. Inside the section lie fjords and hills, and precisely because of all these excesses, the route quickly became popular among tourists and also among locals, who found their fishing spots right next to the road and at the four panoramic rest stops along the way. In 2005, this road was chosen as the Norwegian construction of the century, among the best in the world road trip and it was also listed by The Guardian.

Alaskan Highway, Alaska
Another scenic road was built during World War II called the Alaskan Highway and better known as the ALCAN Highway. It was built to connect the United States of America and Alaska via Canada. It starts in Dawson Creek and was 2,237 kilometers long, but it gets a little shorter due to a diversion. It is part of the famous Panamericana, which leads all the way to the south of Argentina. If a lot of driving, a lot of wooded views, snow and cold temperatures are not surprising on the ALCAN Highway, a bear that may cross the road will certainly surprise you. If we stop in the Yukon, we will see polar bears, and just a little off the trail are Liard Hot Springs - thermal springs, where we can warm up in 42 to 52 degrees Celsius hot water. ALCAN also has its own guide, called Milepost, which is published once a year. The booklet is a must-have for anyone going on this wild adventure road trip.

The Great Ocean Road, Australia
Most travelers who come to Australia rent a car there and go exploring one of the famous roads. Among them, The Great Ocean Road, a 263-kilometer-long road that connects the cities, is certainly at the top Torquay and Warrnambool in the state of Victoria. The road was built between 1919 and 1932 by returned soldiers, and The Great Ocean Road is the world's largest war memorial dedicated to the victims of the First World War. This road also boasts wonderful views and leads past several important points, including the Twelve Apostles - limestone formations on the coast. The road takes the traveler through rainforest, beaches and cliffs. A cross-country marathon has been held every year since 2005 on a 45-kilometer section of the road. And for those whose bums ache from the miles in the car, The Great Ocean Walk - a footpath that winds through the national parks, wild beaches and marine reserves of Victoria's west coast - will be a welcome relief.

Garden Route, South Africa
South Africa's southeast coast can be driven in style on the Garden Route, a coastal road that connects many interesting small coastal towns. Between Capetown in the east and Port Elisabeth in the west, there are 761 kilometers and a series of interesting small towns. Many people decide only on a section of the route, to visit a certain city. One of them is Mossel Bay, which, according to the advice of travelers, is an ideal stop on the way. Among all the attractions, the real attraction is the train converted into a hostel called Santos Express Train Lodge. Other towns along the way also offer a lot of fun, especially for adventure lovers. Once off the road, visitors can spend the day deep-sea diving, fishing and other activities. The road got its name from the rich vegetation and biological diversity, due to the many lakes and lagoons that we encounter along the way. Although it is located in Africa, the climate there is considered very mild - temperatures rarely fall below 10 degrees and rarely rise above 28 degrees.

Ring Road, Iceland
To finish exploring the most beautiful roads, let's return to Europe. The Ring Road, or Route 1, is the one that circles all of Iceland in 1,339 kilometers. The road leads through larger cities on one side and over wooden bridges on the other and offers a variety of adventures. The amount of traffic varies greatly in different sections, around Reykjavik it won't be surprising if we get stuck in traffic, while in other parts it won't be surprising if we drive completely alone for a while. The road used to be very popular with locals who went on vacation along it, but in recent years it has been dominated by tourists. Some parts of the route date back to the 1940s and include blind bends, one-lane bridges and a narrow road. Especially in winter, the roads are icy and dangerous, so it's for this one road trip the time of departure and the conditions must be carefully considered. This actually applies to all of the above. Bon voyage!


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