
Washing hair in reverse order: conditioner before shampoo - why not!

Photo: envato

When we talk about hair care, regular washing is usually what comes to mind first. Most people stick to the same routine their whole lives, but maybe it's finally time to change it up a bit and start applying shampoo and conditioner in the opposite order. We asked what the advantages of this type of hair washing are and what kind of hair it is most suitable for.

Most people wash their hair on the classic way. First, they clean their scalp with shampoo (hairstylists recommend that you do this twice), then shampoo they rinse, applied to the tips balm, they wait a few minutes and finally they wash this one off. But according to social networks, he has recently come full circle a new way of washing hair, at which it is sequence use of shampoo and conditioner replaced. What are they like? advantages such washing?

Most people wash their hair the classic way Photo: Erick Larregui / Unsplash

Why wash your hair in the opposite order?

A new way of washing hair applies to gentler, and experts believe that your hair can also do much better protect. This is because balm contains substances that will your scalp protected before possible ones chemicals, which are present in shampoo. Also, this mode is supposed to refund health and freshness to the hair that is due to thermal and chemical processing inclined to breaking.
Such washing is especially suitable for those who struggle with thin or oily hair. If you are going to them balm applied before shampoo, you will thus ensure that it in the end rinse completely. Remnants of conditioner on the scalp, they can cause the hair to become weighed down and they get greasy faster.

A special technique will completely remove the balm Photo: Engin Akyurt / Pexels

Who can try such a wash?

You can try washing in a modified bud order, regardless of whether your hair is levels or curled up. You should not forget that even seemingly similar hair can be extremely different from each other they differ and that it will most likely work best on your girlfriends' hair different process as on yours. That's why we know lots of ways hair care, and beauty enthusiasts are constantly trying new ones.

We also suggest that you wash your hair this way when you wash your hair hurry up. It is precisely in the morning chill that the probability is that you will not completely remove the conditioner from your hair washed off, bigger. And that's exactly why you better do it twice.

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