
Attention, it is cloudy in your room!

Have you ever come up with the idea of bringing the outdoors indoors? At least the sun, stars and clouds? Well, the latter now you can. Studio Richard Clarkson and magnetic levitation experts from Crealev have joined forces to create the Floating Cloud floating ambient light.

'Floating cloud' can on with a height of 70 mm it floats above the magnetic component.

At the Richard Clarkson studio, they made sure to power the lights even when they are in the air. Crealev's contribution, however, was the light's ability to turns and slightly bouncing, which conjures up a rather realistic atmospheric atmosphere. The LED lights flash to the beat of the music, as it has Floating Cloud built-in speaker system, which makes the experience all the more fun. Over  connections Bluetooth connect Floating Cloud to any mobile device, find storm sounds and conjure up thunder right at home. The company has taken care of different versions of the lights, so they are still available Tiny Cloud, RGB and Shade.

So if you don't mind storms in your room, you can treat yourself Floating Cloud for the weak 4,000 euros.

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