
We are fixing a Gorenje refrigerator

Proper storage is very important for the proper functioning of the refrigerator and for the safety of food. A properly arranged refrigerator does not burst at the seams, an apple is not next to a chicken fillet in it, and fresh meat does not rest on raw. Fruit is not on the top shelf and delicate foods are never in the refrigerator door.

Food storage rules they are easy to keep in the fridge once you get used to them. The first rule is that the air must circulate, so the refrigerator should never be too crowded. And another rule that we must follow is that we only put chilled food in the refrigerator. If, for example, you put a bowl of hot soup in it, it would cause the temperature to rise in the refrigerator and create conditions for the growth of bacteria. The highest shelf is the warmest in the refrigerator and therefore most suitable for storing ready-made products such as cheeses, yogurts and sauces. The bottom shelf is the coldest, so it is ideal for meat. Precisely in this area, for the purpose of keeping meat and fish in Gorenje refrigerator installed drawer ZeroZone, which prolongs the freshness of meat up to three times longer than usual and at the same time protects the food in the drawer from bacteria. If possible, the meat should be in the original packaging, otherwise always in the lower part of the refrigerator, in case of dripping, so that it does not run onto the rest of the food. IonAir technology in Gorenje's newest line of refrigerators ION Generation for example, among other things, it destroys up to 95% harmful microorganisms in the refrigerator and removes the odors of even the most aromatic foods, such as e.g. onion. Bottom drawers are intended for fruit and vegetables, which in modern refrigerators have more and more frequently set programs that regulate humidity. Each model of the new generation also offers a CrispZone drawer with the HumidityControl function, which maintains an optimal level of humidity in and keeps the food fresh for a longer time.

The refrigerator should not be too full to allow air to circulate. This is also made possible by a special function in Gorenje's newest line of refrigerators.
The refrigerator should not be too full to allow air to circulate. This is also made possible by a special function in Gorenje's newest line of refrigerators.

Lipstick in the fridge?

Refrigerator but it is not only useful for food, make-up also feels good in the fridge. Make-up should be stored in a dark and cool place. Where else can we find such conditions as in the refrigerator? The fridge is the best cupboard for lipstick, eyeliner, liquid powder and nail polish, while mascara and some other makeup looks just as good in the bathroom. In addition to make-up, the refrigerator is also useful for storing medicines. Of course not all, most of them should be stored in a dry place at room temperature. Medicines that need to be stored at a temperature between 2 °C and 8 °C or between 8 °C and 15 °C should be stored in a refrigerator, separately from food, in a container with a lid. Special care must be taken to ensure that the medication does not freeze.

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