
Weather with Miki Mustro – Zvitorepec, Trdonja and Lakotnik as characters in the weather application

Weather application from under the fingers of Miki Mustra.

Like Peter Florjančič, Miki Muster also proves that his years are not keeping him alive and despite his venerable age he can recognize an interesting idea. Cooperation with the company As factor means that now its most recognizable comic characters, Zvitorepec, Trdonja and Lakotnik, have made their way into the weather app Vreme with Miki Mustro, where they will appear as animated characters. The purpose of the application is to bring today's youth closer to these legendary characters, who have already marked many youths.

Adventures in Zvitorepec, Trdonje and Lakotnik are now also moving to smartphones. Ace factor and the greatest legend of Slovenian comics Mickey Muster, who signed under timeless comics about Zvitorepec, Trdonja and Lakotnik, they prepared a weather app Weather with Miki Mustra, which will have in the first phase ten different animations. These will be in accordance with the current weather picture and temperature of the selected place.

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A weather app from under the fingers of Miki Mustra and the As factor.
A weather app from under the fingers of Miki Mustra and the As factor.

Free application will soon be available on Google Play (for the Android population) and Apple Store (for the iOS population), but if you want, you can officially launch it live with the father of the mentioned heroes June 2, 2015 at 6 p.m in Buch comic book.

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