
Web browsers 2017: the most energy efficient browser right now is…

Microsoft Edge browser

What is the most energy efficient web browser right now? Is it Google Chrome, maybe Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge? Maybe another one? So let's check...

Google Chrome web browser may be the most popular browser, but it is far from the most battery-efficient. The most economical browser it's still Microsoft Edge (version 40). Microsoft has proven this in its own test with computers Surface Book with the operating system Windows 10 Creators Update. It played identical clips in web browsers. It turns out that using the latest version of the Edge browser will make your laptop last the longest without power, as 12 hours and 31 minutes, while the 57th version of the Google Chrome browser drains the battery to the point of failure after 9 hours and 17 minutes. He is even more greedy Firefox (version 52), when using which the autonomy of operation was only 7 hours and 4 minutes.

Surface Book equipped with a processor Intel Core i5-6300U, graphics card Intel Graphics 520 and 8 GB with the system memory, it lasted with Edg 77 percent longer than with Firefox and 35 longer than using Chrome. So don't put all the blame for the bad autonomy on the battery, but maybe you just need to change the browser and your laptop will last longer without power supply.

READ MORE: Web browsers 2017: Chrome remains the king of browsers

An improved version of the Microsoft Edge web browser came bundled with operating system upgrade Windows 10 Creators Update. In addition to innovations, this also brought users faster and safer Edge. Thrift test you can see in the video above. This is not so relevant for Google, while Microsoft produces both software and hardware and battery autonomy is important to him in the fight with the competition.

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