
Japanese Samurai Film Week

Samurai Film Festival

From October 21 to 24, the Slovenian Cinematheque, in cooperation with the Embassy of Japan, will take a closer look at the indigenous genre of samurai film, more precisely, the Japanese film of the 50s, when the samurai genre experienced its heyday.

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Within the traditional Japanese Film Week, we will be able to watch black and white films by the famous director Satsuoj Yamamoto Ninjas and Return of the Ninja, and the magnificent, visually stunning classic Revenge of the Actors and a comical fantasy film Heroic Chronicle of the Sanada Clan. The tragic mixture of unjudged romance and samurai action is hidden in the film The Wandering Samurai, and the story of the film The Strange Adventures of a Samurai Spy is told in a highly stylized, sonically and visually extremely imaginative way, which breaks the film from the domain of pure genre and places it in the sphere of the Japanese new wave at the time. The week will end with a modern classic Yoji Yamada Dark Samurai.

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