Science has surprised us many times before – for example, by showing that chocolate can be healthy (in the right amounts, of course). Now comes a new sensation: weight loss drugs could have the potential to slow down aging. Can you imagine? A pill that not only melts away excess pounds, but also slows down time!
Weight loss drugs are supposed to prolong life? Danish pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk is making a splash with its drug Ozempic for diabetes has inadvertently sparked a mini-revolution in the fight against obesity. Scientists have discovered that semaglutide, the active ingredient in Ozempic, not only reduces body weight but also the risk of cardiovascular disease. And as if that weren't enough, new research suggests it may have an additional "superpower" - slowing down aging.
Last year they were at the conference European Society of Cardiology in London presented several studies showing that semaglutide not only reduces the risk of heart disease, but also of other age-related ailments such as kidney disease, Alzheimer's disease and even cancerIn short, a drug that would probably be sold in Hollywood as the “Fountain of Youth in an injection.”
Photo: envato elements
Medicines for weight loss, better health and fewer bad habits?
In clinical trials SELECT, funded by Novo Nordisk, participated in 17,600 people with overweight and cardiovascular disease, but without diabetes. The results?
Semaglutide is reduced the risk of heart complications by 20 % compared to placebo.
Many users have reported that they easier to quit smoking or drinking alcohol – which is an almost unbelievable side effect!
As he emphasized Professor Harlan Krumholz of Yale University, the benefits of semaglutide exceed all expectations:
"It's not just about preventing heart attacks. I wouldn't be surprised if it actually slows down the aging process."
His colleague, Benjamin Scirica from Harvard, but adds:
“Overweight and obesity have been shown to increase the risk of death from various causes, but medications like semaglutide can change this.”
Photo: envato elements
Pharmaceutical race: who will be the first to find the right medicine for longevity?
Of course, Novo Nordisk is not the only player in this highly profitable game. On the other hand, the American pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly, which offers competing drugs in the same category Mounjaro and Zepbound based on the active ingredient tirzepatideBoth companies are looking for ways to further improve their “miracle” molecules and expand their applications.
Weight loss drugs – so Tirzepatid is even supposed to be more effective in weight loss as semaglutide, and last year it received additional approval from the US FDA for the treatment sleep apneaIn response, Novo Nordisk is already developing CagriSema, a combination carglintide and semaglutide, which could further enhance the effects on weight loss and health.
Skepticism remains – drugs are not (yet) intended to slow down aging
Although the results sound promising, official regulatory agencies (for now) have not approved these drugs to slow down agingOzempic and Mounjaro are registered as medicines for diabetes, Wegovy and Zepbound for weight loss.
In addition, there are also side effects, such as nausea and digestive problemsand in women they may increase the risk of developing gallstones. Nothing is perfect, right?
Photo: envato elements
The anti-aging market – the gold mine of the future?
The anti-aging industry is already reaching $50 billion annually, and by 2030 it is expected to grow to 70 billion dollarsThis market includes everything from cosmetics and botox to surgical procedures, such as liposuction and even breast augmentation (because, apparently, youth is not just about a smooth face).
In parallel, the longevity market is growing – an area where pharmaceutical giants such as Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly are rapidly expanding their empires. Last year, Novo Nordisk led the way with anti-aging drugs. diabetes and obesity earned what 36 billion euros, and Eli Lilly 14.7 billion euros merely by selling Mounjar and Zepbound.
Are we getting closer to a longevity pill?
Although the prospects are fascinating, it is important to remain realistic. Drugs such as semaglutide, can improve health and quality of life, but they are not a miracle cure for immortality. But if the future does bring an “anti-aging” injection, it would be one of the most sought-after medical innovations in history.
Until then, a healthy diet, exercise, and enough sleep remain the most proven recipes for a long life. Even without injections. For now.
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