
We are giving away a ticket for the performance All About Women!

All about women

This light-hearted "women's" comedy by the popular Croatian playwright Miro Gavran, directed by Barbara Hieng Samobor, will surely appeal to everyone who wants entertainment and relaxation after a tiring everyday life in the theater.

Three actresses, each in the role of five women with very different characters and problems, aged from three to ninety-two, will reveal the feminine principle of the world in a wide variety of life situations. You will get to know them as good and less-than-good friends, possessive and self-sacrificing mothers, grateful and ungrateful daughters, loving and hateful sisters, faithful and unfaithful wives, calculating and scheming lovers, grieving and boisterous widows, completely or not completely smothered single women , sincere and treacherous colleagues, more or less skilled careerists, and mothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts, grandmothers, great-grandmothers...



The draw is closed!

Andreja Madžarevič receives two tickets.

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