
What are the toasting rituals around the world and what are the foreign equivalents to our 'Cheers'?

How do people toast around the world?

Toasting is one of those rituals that the whole world knows. Clinking glasses with a drink, a greeting and/or a tip has crept into every corner of the world, but every country does it in its own way. Not only the words that are said on the occasion, but also in the ceremony itself, there are considerable differences between the nations. Here's a guide to how people toast around the world, or what their toasting rituals are and what equivalents there are to our 'Cheers'.

Let's Grab a Beer has prepared a cute clip to teach us how people toast around the world. We Slovenians are subscribed to colliding with a glass or a bottle and greetings'"Cheers" and "Cheers" and maybe "Chin-chin", while elsewhere everyone does it a little differently.

READ MORE: World map of the most popular beer in individual countries

In addition to the language, you will also learn unwritten rules of conduct during celebrations, important events and friendly gatherings, because not everything you consider acceptable is also acceptable to others. If clinking glasses is the norm here, in Hungary it is considered neo-like.

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