
What can you expect from a narcissist?

Photo: Mubariz Mehdizadeh- / Unsplash

All humans are narcissistic to some degree. But those with marked narcissism pay little or no attention to the feelings and needs of others. They are focused on themselves and their needs, and relationships with them are often tinged with a note of bitterness and a sense of inequality.

Narcissism it is actually an imbalance between caring for oneself and caring for others.

Narcissistic personalities need a lot of social feedback and recognition from others to the extent that they provide themselves with valuable psychological energy.


There are two different types of problematic narcissism: grandiose and vulnerable. Both types are similar, but each highlights specific problematic aspects.

Grandiose emphasizes the individual's need to feel important, vulnerable but the fear that others will not see him in a positive sense.
Narcissistic people want others to see them as important to the point that they have no concern for how others feel. They do not show their worth to others.


The grandeur of a narcissist means a high level of self-esteem, importance, self-confidence. There is also a feeling of superiority in relation to others, arrogance, exaggeration of one's own achievements.

Narcissists are subject to envy, on the other hand, they think that other people envy them.

Narcissistic personality types are actually an example of a complete imbalance between what is needed and what is given. When you're dealing with someone with problematic narcissism, whether they're the vulnerable or the grandiose type, it's helpful to keep in mind that whatever you're giving them (emotionally, verbally, physically) is what that person is looking for. You simply cannot expect to get anything in return.


Having a narcissist in your life is emotional challenge, whether the narcissist is a family member, partner, friend. Beside him, people feel exhausted.

If you want to stay with such a person, learn how to deal with them better and have realistic expectations. It's important to set boundaries. It is also recommended that you speak – clearly and concisely when making your requests.


It is also advised that you create a support system. Living with a narcissist can lead to feelings of insecurity, confusion and self-doubt, so you need to have a supportive group of people.

People with narcissistic personality disorder usually do not change. The relationship with them always remains – one way street.

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