
What does he secretly want you to do for him based on his astrological sign?

We reveal silent secrets.

Many times that silent desire is unspoken for various reasons. You may be too shy or too proud to ask your partner what they are hiding.

Each sign has its own innate desires that reflect its needs, let's take a look at them.


Adventurous and energetic Aries love challenges. They enjoy being right all the time and fascinating other people with their power. They like to win. They secretly want you to challenge them in every aspect of life, from living together, physical challenges to emotional and intellectual debates. They enjoy beating you, and they also want you to admire and praise them for their achievements.


Tauruses love to feel secure and enjoy being pampered, and they would do all of that for you too. They secretly wish they did tempt them with the things they secretly obsess over. Let's say you spoil him with a dinner where you prepare his favorite food or with a piece of clothing. It might not seem like much to you, but they really enjoy all things related to the planet Venus, like food, fashion, etc., even if they are men.


With twins, it's mainly about mental stimulation. They are known to be those who know how to talk about any topic and feel offended if there is not enough interest in them. Your twin secretly wishes he would taught something he doesn't know. Educate him about something you love and create an opportunity for you to learn things together.


Cancer is a sensitive sign that loves home, security and its family. They have a deep innate desire to feel safe and understood. They like you to take care of them. They love to have romantic things and they enjoy you telling them how much you love them. Sometimes they are too shy to admit it for fear of appearing weak. Don't let them think too much.


They love their appearance, they love the attention they get for it, and above all they love to be surrounded by people. Good fun and people who don't take things too seriously in life are the ones who will satisfy them. Your Leo secretly wants you to feel good around him, to show off with him and to do your best to make their little fantasies come true. This is not a bad thing, it is their way of exchanging energy.

A virgin

Virgo is sometimes considered too practical and detail-oriented. While that may be true, it is also true that many people miss having people focus on the details on them. And they long for it themselves. This is what they want and look for in others. Show them that you notice the little things in them and that you care about them. Make the little things count.


Libras are playful, cheerful and loving people. They love when they can freely show their love. Above all, they like to take care of their partner and love romance. They want you to you treat them as if they were a precious jewel and confess your love to them. They love that you care about them. Just show them gratitude and respect and indulge in the things that interest them. Enjoy the simple things in life intensely with them.


Scorpios are known for their intense emotions and secretive nature. They are passionate, but sometimes closed and cold. So cold it literally gives you chills. They are afraid of being hurt, because when they give their love, they give it completely, and therefore they fear that they might lose it all. Scorpio wants you to give them you show loyalty, to make them feel safe and open up to you. They want you to be there for them not only when everything is good, but also when things are difficult.


They are full of wisdom, due to their brave nature and willingness to step into the unknown. They want you to give them you show freedom. Gratitude for your freedom and his, they are obsessed with it. When you let go of the need to control them, they will completely surrender to you.


They are business oriented. They love discipline and order, but they also like to enjoy the fruits of their labor. They want them show appreciation for their hard work and to acknowledge them for being good at what they do. They need admiration. They like to feel like they are on top of the world in every aspect of their lives.


They enjoy strange things and are proud of it, and they tend to get involved with strange people. They want them you show that crazy side of you and to accept and appreciate theirs. They want you to be willing to accept their weird nature and be who you are. They are literally drawn to authenticity, so if you're with an Aquarius, don't overthink it, just go with the flow.


They are eternal dreamers who love to explore. They want to be with them you talk – meaningfully and deeply. Show them interest in their life, interests and they will love you forever. They don't care about material things or boring random chit chat. They want to know the deepest part of you and share your joy and pain.

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