
What does the Solar Eclipse bring you on December 4th?

Photo: envato

Eclipses are one of the most powerful forces in nature. At the beginning of December, a solar eclipse comes at the time of the New Moon and brings big changes!

Since May 2020, we have been going through the Sagittarius-Gemini eclipse cycle, which is now coming to an end and will end on December 4th, with a total solar eclipse at the time of the New Moon.

Eclipses are otherwise powerful forces that bring big changes, events that change and transform our lives and usually point us exactly where we need to go.

He frowns they bring new opportunities and beginnings, so let's stay open to what comes our way. We may find that everything we've worked so hard for finally comes to the surface.

This New Moon Total Solar Eclipse is the last step in this journey we have taken so far, the culmination of all our energies since the beginning of the eclipse cycle, so we can use it to attract what we desire.

If we look deeper into the cosmic sky, both Mercury and Neptune are active during this eclipse, so it is possible that some hitherto hidden truths will be revealed to us.


When Neptune, the planet of intuition, is involved, it is always important to we trust our instincts and inner voice, regardless of what insights come to us.

During this period, it is good to look at yourself talk to yourself and write down what we have in mind at the time, which can also be very therapeutic. Regardless of the topics and conversations that begin under this eclipse, remember to be gentle, patient, and full of self-love.

In short, this eclipse is a powerful moment of the year and will likely lead us to a destination where the results of the previous work will be visible. When we arrive at our new destination, it is important that we are grateful for all the journey and to respect all the lessons.

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