
What every mature woman wants from a man: this is the secret of long-lasting and nurturing love

"Success is loving yourself, loving what you do, and loving how you do it." - Maya Angelou

True love appears in a woman's life when she becomes mature, aware of herself and her life, and is ready to fully open her heart to her soul mate - him. Her relationship is not represented by their photos on social networks, expensive gifts or love from the movie screen. A mature woman wants her love relationship to be seen as a calm sea, in which occasional waves are allowed, where true will calms the noise of the winds. For her, love represents peace, shelter, friendship and a shared journey with her partner, regardless of obstacles and circumstances.

These are five things that a mature woman expects from her partner!

1. Gratitude

Gratitude is healing in all relationships, especially romantic ones. A woman wants to hear words of gratitude from her partner. Let's say he thanks her for the delicious food she made, picks up the kids from daycare, compliments her looks, and thanks her for being with him. Maybe it's just the little things and the daily routine, but the phrase "Thank you" it can definitely improve relationships.

2. Sincerity

Experience shows that men often use small "white lies", for example "I'll be home at 6 p.m.", but comes much later or "I had to pay the bill and spend part of the savings", but in fact he spent part of the money on something else. While white lies may seem like they can momentarily postpone conflict and thus keep the peace in a relationship, they are actually a source of mistrust that can be toxic to any relationship. A mature woman values honesty more than lies, even if the truth is contrary to her expectations.

3. Emotionality

Many men have trouble expressing their emotions. Most of the time it is a learned behavior through upbringing or it is a result of the attitude their parents had. A woman wants to openly talk about her feelings, enjoys gentle touches, hugs, kisses and holding hands. If a man has problems expressing his emotions, then it is best that you and your partner have an honest talk about it and together try to free his heart from insecurities and acquired beliefs.

4. Empathy

When a mature woman finds herself in a difficult situation, having a bad day at work, feeling exhausted, or simply fighting certain battles within herself, she just needs understanding. She does not expect a man to solve her problem, but to show her that he understands her, that he knows how she feels, that he will be by her side even when difficult life storms arise.

5. Female energy

We live in a world where women are completely equal to men in many areas. But in emotional relationships, a man often needs to be reminded that his partner also has a gentle feminine side. In stable relationships, partners are also best friends. While that's great, it doesn't mean you should treat your significant other like a friend you watch football games with and discuss cars with (unless he enjoys it). Show her your gentlemanly side, open the door for her, bring her a shopping bag, kiss her forehead or leave a bouquet of fresh flowers by her bed.

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