Brain Divided is a short animated film that, in the style of Inside Out, shows what goes through our heads when we're on a first date and head over heels in love. Watch the hilarious duel between mind and heart as they battle to control the behavior of a young man who wants to charm the girl on the other side of the table.
First date is very stressful for many people, because they want to charm their crush. In this enthusiasm, however, many people get carried away, because he does not know how to restrain his emotions. They say it is nervousness a good sign and a short animated film Brain Divided in the style of the movie Bustle in my head outlines this in a perfect way.
READ MORE: Inside Out
When we are shattered, we have a whole bunch of mixed feelings. Have you ever had as many different things go through your head as the young man from the animated movie when he hit you angel of love?