
What happens if you always tell the truth?

"When in doubt, tell the truth. The truth is the most valuable thing we have." - Mark Twain

It is good and useful to tell the truth, because in this way new paths open up for you in life, relationships and even career. Although it is difficult, try to be 100% honest every day. People who tell the truth have much more to offer than people who lie.

Here are 13 reasons to tell the truth.

The truth opens your heart

When you are honest, it usually comes from your inner passion, compassion and interest in other people. This will improve your state of mind, as sincerity is felt and perceived inside and outside of you.

Forget the fear

Many people have a strange feeling in their stomach when they tell a lie. Do you remember the last time you lied to someone's face? What did you feel? Have you had a strange feeling in your stomach? Did you feel tight in your chest? Have you been walking around in fear and hoping they won't find out you lied? Answer these questions honestly. When you are completely honest, you will no longer feel fear.

You will act more authentically

When you are honest, people will perceive your openness, your sincerity. With you, they will feel that you are their friend.

The truth protects you from trouble

This is 100% true. Being honest protects yourself from stress, while lying digs a hole for yourself. Why not just be honest?

The truth will shape your morals

You are often faced with a moral question because you did not tell the truth and at the same time you feel guilty about a certain situation. If you feel in your gut, your spirit, and even your head that something is wrong, tell the truth. You will soon have more confidence in your decisions.

Your spirit will be calmer

When you are religious or spiritual, you open yourself up to a sincere way of life. Enlighten your soul and encourage greater productivity within you. People will perceive you as a healthy and positive person.

They will appreciate your opinion

Friends, family and even acquaintances will feel your sincerity in conversation. If you always tell the truth, people will feel safer and more relaxed around you and will ask you for your honest opinion.

They will listen to you

People will be more inclined to listen to your advice and act on it. When you speak the truth instead of a lie, others will listen carefully to what you have to say because you are now promoting values and authenticity.

Honesty opens the way to a career

Who wants to work in a job where they have to lie in order to be successful? Nobody. You will find a better job if you are direct and honest in your approach.

Honesty makes your love life more complete

Whether you're in a long-term relationship or single, honesty is key to a better partnership. Your partner will appreciate your honesty in the worst of times, which is the way to deal with relationship problems more easily. If you are alone, this way you will find the person more easily. No one likes to start a relationship full of deception and lies.

Your creativity will blossom

People who are creative do not create to lie and manipulate others. They create sincerely and are immersed in it with all their soul and body. Start being honest and watch your creativity grow.

Your beauty will last longer

Think about how lying affects you. The added stress of guilt or fear of being caught leads to hair loss, wrinkles... When you tell the truth, you look better.

You are a better person

No one wants to have a friend, child, sibling or parent who lives in a world of lies. Think about the person you consider your best friend, how often is he honest with you?

Live a life of 100% truth and honesty and watch people start appreciating you.

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