Mac or PC? A question that has divided computer users forever. Switching from PC to Mac and vice versa is like switching from Barcelona to Real Madrid and vice versa. It is an outrageous act. The two camps argue about why one is better than the other, but we will not interfere in the never-ending debate. But we will check what are the reactions of sworn Mac users who get a taste of PC for the first time. You can definitely prepare for some fun comments, and PC users, you might end up feeling a little offended. Justified?
Before it was Apple vs. Samung, was Mac vs. PC. Well, the fact is, it is rivalry it still exists and is as strong as ever, so you can only imagine what happens when put a PC under the fingers of a sworn Mac user. Nothing good. Most make fun of the PC.
READ MORE: The new MacBook – the most anticipated laptop of the year
Justified or not, judge for yourself. It depends on which camp you are in. The fact is that there is more to Mac and PC users than just the difference in computer choice. Behind lies another bunch of psychosocial moments, life style affiliation if you will, so this question will always be there roused spirits, as he will who is better. Messi or Ronaldo? And in this case, who is Messi and who is Ronaldo?