
According to your astrological sign, what makes you so hot?

Photo: envato

What does it even mean that you are attractive to him? What is the attraction for him?

Before you is a guide to understanding, what attracts him based on your astrological sign.

Men are sometimes hard to understand, especially when you ask them why they find you attractive. Through astrology you can learn what causes emotional, physical and physical attraction between different astrological signs. Each of us has one unique features, that reflect what others are looking for in a partner.

Maybe you think you're attractive because you share common interests, passion, maybe looks. Well, let's see.


He is an adventurer. He loves hanging out and trying new things. If you are someone who stays up all night regardless of the day of the week and you play some kind of sport, this could be the reason why you are attracted to him. It's hard to find someone who loves sports as well as nightlife. He will really appreciate it.


He likes a woman to be well-groomed and well-dressed. Despite the image this sign presents, he is someone who cares about intimacy and sharing deep emotions with his partner. If you have the ability to accept and share emotions with him in the same way, you are his woman. He is someone who will accept all your imperfections.


He likes someone who is intellectual and smart. He is constantly thinking about different things and challenges. It upsets him if you follow him and present him with ideas that differ from his own. Once he sees that you are someone who is there for him mentally and physically, he will stay with you.


It is the most sensitive sign of astrology and hungry for love. A man born under the sign of Cancer loves a woman who shows him a lot of affection. At first, it is difficult for him to show his emotions. But when he sees that you devote yourself to him and meet him in his needs and desires, he will open up and show you his true self.


He likes to be the center of attention. Whether it's a party at a club or an intimate get-together at your friends' house. He will make it shine in the light. He finds it attractive when he is with someone who doesn't mind being part of his attractiveness. He finds your confidence the sexiest.


He is not interested in your appearance, the clothes you wear, and he is definitely not an attention seeker. He loves it when you're a modest, curious individual. He appreciates when you are genuinely excited about learning new things and understanding what he knows about the world. He finds it very sexy when you are down to earth and take care of others.


He is charming and likes to show, provide love and affection to his partner. He likes to make others happy and is known to flirt. He can't find anything sexier than you doing the same thing as him. Acknowledging his charm can go a long way in your relationship, as he rarely finds someone willing to return the compliment.


You are attractive to him when you are willing to submit to his deepest and darkest desires. He likes a woman who can get hot and heavy with him; emotionally and physically. He wants you to tell him things you wouldn't tell anyone else.


He is a sports fan, likes to play outdoor games, football or basketball. He finds it sexy to be with someone who is interested in watching sports games and is not afraid to wear a sports jersey. He's not someone who likes planning, so if you can go with the flow, he'll see you as even sexier.


He is a lover of the classics. He wants a woman who is smart and physically beautiful. He is attracted to an older woman, he likes to be with someone who is intellectually challenged and knows how to talk about important things. He finds it sexy when you are as career oriented as he is.


He loves intelligent partners and people who are free-spirited. If you're someone who shares thoughtful ideas and doesn't bow to social pressure, you're the one for him. He likes someone who is capable of spontaneous travel and is willing to try new things.


He is an art lover, attracted to creative, intellectual and loving women. He loves it when you talk about yourself and your family. He finds it incredibly sexy when you surrender to love.

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