
What a strong woman is when she is in love

Photo: Envato

She loves differently. She is passionate and dedicated, but she is in no rush. She is - a strong woman.

When you win the love and devotion of a strong woman, it will be unlike any relationship you've ever experienced.

She will not rush and push you with the intensity of her feelings because she needs time to process what is happening. He is aware that falling in love is fleeting and that it takes time to get to know each other well, get closer and build a relationship.

She is patient

She has already experienced the price of impatience, haste, impulsiveness. Because she cares about you and the continuation of the relationship, she will teach you how to be patient. It will teach you to understand the value of waiting and gradually approaching. She will teach you how to enjoy mutual discovery and the gradual transition of relationships to higher and deeper levels.

It welcomes your friends and family

One of the things that a strong woman in love does differently is that she doesn't try to have you all to herself and doesn't feel threatened by other relationships or people you hang out with. She will respect your friends and family and like to be included in your circle, but she will not intrude. You will get to know her friends and family in the same way. People who love and appreciate her. You will be proud of her when you notice that your loved ones accept her because they see her values.

He does not hide behind the veil of romance

You will hardly disappoint her, as she does not attach much importance to romance. Even if she's very much in love, she watches herself and doesn't let chemistry cloud her mind. She will not hesitate to stand up for her beliefs and needs. He wants to eliminate any possible misunderstandings, even if this means that you will argue, have a feeling of misunderstanding, distance, anger.

He trusts you. She is happy with you! Photo: Carly Rae Hobbins/Unsplash

He does not run away from confrontation or from conflicts and arguments, but he knows how to face everything. She will not attack you, she will not judge you, but she will only try to understand what the problem is, analyze it and find a solution. She is ready for compromises and concessions, and she expects the same from you.

It gives you the space and time you need

She is wise, she doesn't want to impose obligations on you. She doesn't want you to spend all your time with her, but she wants you to want to. He also knows that everyone needs to have some time for themselves to feel themselves and their needs. She knows that in certain moments and periods she does not need to share anything with another person and that she does not need to adapt because she only needs her own peace.

It tests your character

He's not afraid to test you because he needs to know what you're worth. She'll let you take the lead, so she can see how you are when you're in control and making decisions. He wants to see what kind of leader you are, as well as what kind of team player you are. She'll listen carefully when you talk about women you know and those you've been in relationships with (as well as people in general), because if you talk bad, judge and accuse, it's not about others, it's about of your narrow-mindedness and intolerance.

He doesn't want to invest more in the relationship than you do

She values herself and doesn't forget her self-awareness even when she's in love. She knows how much she's worth, and she knows how important it is that both of you invest equally in the relationship - she doesn't want to carry an unnecessary burden, but to spread it evenly. If you leave all the emotional work in the relationship to her, you can be sure that she will quickly decide to leave you to your complacency, distance and passivity.

Open your heart to her. She will respect you for it. Photo: Edward Cisneros/Unsplash

She doesn't agree with what she doesn't like

A strong woman sets boundaries and does not compromise with herself and her values, even if she is madly in love. If you try to convince her to do something that is not in line with her morals, with her principles, you will run into a wall. She hears what you're saying to her, but she doesn't even think about it, because she sees a huge red flag in front of her and wonders how she didn't notice these mistakes in you earlier. You cannot bribe her with tenderness, passion, gifts, as this will only confirm that you are selfish and insensitive to her needs and that you do not respect her beliefs.

It changes you

Not because she doesn't like you for who you are, but that's what her love will do. Strong people don't change others for love. They discover their weaknesses and yours and become stronger, find courage where there was none before, mature and expand their horizons - the love of a strong woman inspires you and brings out the best in you.

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