
What is left unsaid is worth a thousand words!

Photo: Adria Garcia Sarceda / Unsplash

Sometimes silence speaks louder than words. Sometimes the answer lies in everything that wasn't said, followed by everything that wasn't done. Sometimes the unspoken words silence doubts more than the spoken words.

Sometimes people show who they really are and what you mean to them by saying nothing. Sometimes their silence is the answer to your confusion and questions.

Humans crave communication and want to hear from others what we mean to them. Answers to the questions of why they left, why they hurt us. We want to be told what we did wrong. We need closure.

And sometimes we just want them to listen, to tell them why we couldn't stay or why we said what we said.

But in the modern age it is not like that. This period teaches people to sweep words and feelings under the rug, to move on and pretend nothing happened. They no longer attach importance to words and their value to people.

In these times, the unsaid says it all. Lies. Broken promises. Fictional stories. The secrets they reveal. And suddenly you realize that you never really knew this person, or that you only knew one of their masks.

Silence speaks the silent truth. Photo: Joshua Rawson Harris/Unsplash

You are speechless, unable to speak, unable to understand what happened. You can't believe that you were manipulated by someone you blindly trusted. You suddenly wish you could take back every word you've ever said simply because they didn't deserve it.

Maybe your lips spoke the truth and theirs were full of lies and excuses. You may have opened up to them emotionally because you trusted them. And maybe you chose to see the best in them when they chose to see – the worst in you.

You are just a person who follows your heart.

It's not your fault that the people you meet aren't on the same wavelength, and it's not your fault that they're still not mature enough to meet your emotional needs.

Someone once said that the beginning rarely reveals the true colors, but the end says everything about him.

Let this be your answer to the silence, let it be all you need to know, because sometimes what is left unsaid tells you more than a thousand words.

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