
What is love?

The question of what love is is probably as old as humanity itself. Many cultures interpret the concept of love in different ways. Also, our ideas about the concept of love change, through the experiences and lessons of our lives. How we perceive the concept of love is influenced by our primary patterns and experiences we bring from childhood. We know many forms of love. In any case, love is right inside each of us! You must have asked yourself - what is love?!

What is love is actually one of the most complex questions of humanity and everyone can answer it in their own way. We know that it definitely starts with chemistry in the state of being in love, which we all know as one of the most painful states of the human mind, soul and body.

It is our primal emotional quality that enables the existence of the human race and reproduction, i.e. by choosing a partner with whom we want to share genetic material. From this chemistry and in love, in ideal scenarios and under the right conditions, laws can emerge love. For the law love however, it is not only the set of circumstances that is important, but also our correct perception of this concept. Only this determines whether we are able to love in the right way, or whether our view of love is distorted and full of incorrect expectations. So even if you think you're in love, it's not necessarily really love.

Video - What is love? In other words, science and love!

Condition for the correct perception of love from the point of view of the individual, it has its foundations already in childhood. It is influenced by relationships in the primary family, relationship and mother's love and the multitude of personal experiences of each individual shape perception and design images about love. Above all, it is a reflection of a healthy perception of love in the relationship of each individual to himself. No attitude and of love it is impossible to share love for oneself with another. People who don't have a healthy self-image and don't respect themselves, don't value themselves, can't do it the right way to love a fellow human being. So, the ability to love begins with ourselves.

True love takes two.
True love takes two.

Because it is the definition of love so complex it can rarely be fully defined by any one statement or sentence. In any case, we can read one of the most comprehensive records of the qualities of love, in the Bible namely the letter to the Corinthians (Corinthians 13:4-7). Only - it describes in an extremely simple way the basic characteristics of healthy and full love, which no one can dispute.

Love is patient, it is kind love, it is not jealous, it does not boast, it is not puffed up, it is not reckless, it does not seek its own, it is not provoked, it does not think evil. He does not rejoice in injustice, but he rejoices in the truth. Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

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It was written about love most songs and writers are definitely the most in love souls.

Of course, we know several "types" of love, that is why we describe it descriptively, with phrases such as: erotic love, true love, partner love, full love, heterosexual love and thereby distinguish it from maternal love, love between brother and sister, altruistic love, homosexual love, etc. However, each definition of love for each individual has its own way of perception and dimensions in which it moves according to its internal perceptions of this emotion.

READ MORE: Love in different languages 

Love is the emotion that allows the world to survive. Without it, there are no beginnings and no ends. Love is something that brings out the best qualities in every individual. It is an emotion that makes us grow internally and at the same time perceive another dimension of the spiritual. It is a spiritual journey of each individual into a world that is metaphysical.

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Definition of love / Wikipedia

It's love emotional attachment and affection to others persons, otherwise this concept can also be associated with activities (e.g. love of learning), with other living beings (love of animals; love to nature) and with other concepts (love of music), etc. Views on love vary from religious, philosophical, cultural and other scientific approaches.

Precisely because of the multiple meanings of the word love, it is necessary to Slovenian use other words to define what kind of love it is (love for…). Already old Greek but she knew at least three different words for love:

  • eros, which means rapturous, carnal, erotic love. Latin a variant is cupid.
  • philia, which means fondness for something. Thus, all Slovenian words of Greek origin that contain fil, mean love of something: philanthropist (philanthropist), bibliophile (lover of books), and alsoname Philip (Greek Philhipos means lover of horses)
  • agape, which means love for one's neighbor, charitable activity, willingness to help. Latin a variant is caritas.

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