
What's Ruining Your Love Life - According to Your Astrological Sign

Photo: Tiko Giorgadze / Unsplash

Who and what is to blame that everything is not as it should be in the field of matters of the heart. Do you always have to come first? Are you jealous or perhaps unexpected? Or…

Everyone has some idea of a perfect relationship, which they do not accept as an illusion. Everyone has expectations that sooner or later spoil and make their love life bitter.

And what is the key thing according to astrology that ruins your love according to your astrological sign?


Love is part of your ambitions. If you are in a relationship with someone, your goal is to achieve a partnership, marriage, family, in the way you envision. You are not relaxed and you do not enjoy love. You see the relationship as a means to follow your vision and plan. You are never satisfied, especially if others don't let you run their lives.

You have a plan. You want to have a family. Photo: Simon Berger/Unsplash


You love routine and you never get bored of doing the same thing with your partner or you want to adapt it to your habits. Change is scary for you. If you have experienced something that gave you security and stability, you believe that it will remain so if everything is as it was then. Without any change. A partner who will be different from you will be stifled by your need for stability.


You want to constantly introduce new things into the relationship so that you don't get bored. Your inner restlessness and insecurity drive you to constantly seek stimulation in an emotional relationship in order to stay interested. In this effort to make things more interesting, you overlook all of your partner's feelings and needs and that they feel offended - because you're obviously bored if there's not always something new going on.


You forget that others are not as sensitive, empathetic and sensitive as you are. You judge people (until you realize the fact that we are all different) and expect everyone to understand you intuitively and to be sensitive to the various external and internal sensations that you constantly receive. In a relationship, you expect your partner to feel the same way you do and to express your feelings in the same way, which often leaves you feeling disappointed, misunderstood and hurt.

you are often frustrated because people do not understand you. Photo: Stefan Spassov / Unsplash


You believe that everything is about you and that everything revolves around you, not because you are conceited or spoiled, but because it comes naturally to you. You are confident and hold your truth as absolute. The most important thing for you is what you feel, think, notice and want. You would be surprised if someone told you that you are insensitive and selfish, because you are not, you are completely self-centered. Others often have trouble putting themselves first, but you find it difficult to give that place to someone else.

A virgin

Your problem is that you always think that you are the problem. You are constantly questioning, correcting, analyzing, adjusting, asking the other person to tell you what they want you to do, trying to be perfect. In a way, it's self-centered and annoying. You are concerned with worrying and wanting everything to be okay, and you accept that everything is okay when you feel that everything is okay (when it is the way it suits you).


You don't feel appreciated and understood enough, but you act as if everything is fine. Don't ask for what you need and don't say exactly what you mean because you don't want to hurt the other person. By avoiding conflict because it offends your sense of decency, you expect the other person to feel and understand what you think and feel, and in doing so you only hurt yourself. You try to create harmony at all costs until you are tired and lose energy.

You feel that you are not appreciated enough. Photo: Jonas Svidras / Unsplash


You don't trust anyone. You need a lot of time and evidence to trust someone. Your suspiciousness, jealousy and possessiveness usually become too stressful for other people. You seek honesty, openness and absolute belonging, but you yourself hesitate to open up and show that you belong to someone.


You are impatient and nothing holds you back. You want everything, the way you want it (convinced that you want the best for yourself and the other person) right now. You speed up when you should slow down, rush into conflicts and solutions, when you should let things unfold on their own. You jump to the conclusion that the other person doesn't respond to you, without considering that you are not at peace with yourself and that because of this you cannot relax enough with anyone.


You don't have enough time to build a relationship, everything else is more important to you, and you expect your loved one to have their own life, goals and ambitions, to put themselves first, just like you do for yourself. It is difficult for you to include your partner in your life, as this often means that you have to change your plans, give up something, change your priorities.

Immerse yourself in the relationship. Photo: Jonathan Borba / Unspalsh


You fear that love will limit your independence and freedom. Relationships are suffocating you because they ask too much of you. You go into a relationship and give in to it, and then suffer because you can't do the things you used to without thinking that your partner didn't even ask or expect you to give up your life. If you have already had such experiences, keep your distance, your partner perceives you as an emotionally unavailable person. You hate feeling like you need someone.


Immerse yourself in a love relationship. You accept all your partner's problems and try to solve them, you understand it as your responsibility to make your partner happy, to save, to fix them. You forget about yourself and your partner becomes the center of your world and either burdens him terribly, or he envies you and subconsciously tries to give you as much work as possible so that you will never leave him. You neglect your own problems and responsibility towards yourself.

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