
What is to blame for each astrological sign running away from you even though he likes you?

What's so annoying about him leaving?

Certain actions and feelings can turn a person from a particular astrological sign away from you. As much as they like you, they will run away.

Check what distracts them, or what you should pay attention to so that you don't push the person away from you.


He runs away if things are going too fast, if he feels pressured to settle down in a relationship.


He runs away if he's ignored, if he's getting mixed signals, if he doesn't know what the other person is feeling.


He runs away if he is bombarded with messages, if someone is too intrusive, if you limit his socializing with friends.


He runs away if you are spoiled, if you shower him with gifts, if he is the center of attention.



They are bothered by too many questions. They run away if they are under pressure or if someone forces them to open up and show their vulnerability.

A virgin

Run away if he has to change his schedule or change his plans because of you, if he is forced to make room for an extra person in his life.


She runs away if she works on the relationship herself, if she puts in the effort herself, if she feels neglected and ignored.


Run away if there is too much hugging, too much kissing, too much touching.



He runs away if he feels rejected, misunderstood, alone.


He runs away if he spends too much time with someone, if he feels that someone is suffocating him, if he doesn't have enough time for himself.


Run away if someone treats them like a little child, to be corrected and preached to. He runs away when you tell him what he can and can't do.


He runs away if there is too much physical affection, if he jumps into bed too quickly, and if he feels the need to be intimate.


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