
What is your lucky color according to your zodiac sign?

Photo: envato

Just what is your lucky color? Strong and energetic astrological signs wear strong colors, and emotional ones wear pastels.

Colors carry energy, can boost self-confidence, calm excess energy and increase strength.

Keep reading to find out which color best compliments your astrological sign!

Aries: red

The color red highlights the Aries soul and encourages passion, energy and initiative. Red is the color of excitement, encouraging the active nature of Aries and the joy of life. Red demands attention, and Aries is a sign that doesn't like to be ignored. No wonder its planet, Mars, is called the Red Planet. The more shades an Aries wears, the greater its natural energy will be.

Aries in red. Photo: Bruno Salvadori / Pexels

Taurus: green

The fresh green color supports the spirit of the bull and strengthens his connection with nature. Like the green pastures where a bull naturally resides, green represents growth and progress. The return of greenery in spring strengthens the connection with this sign.

Gemini: yellow

The inspiring color yellow lifts the spirit of Gemini and encourages curiosity and wisdom. This inspiring and vibrant color shines through the exciting and restless nature of Gemini. The yellow color, which imitates the warm sun, illuminates and cheers up everyone around it. Being the color of mind and intellect, it increases mental strength and focus.

Cancer: white and silver

Bright white and silver colors connect Cancer with their intuition and provide a clear view. Like the sparkling silver surfaces of water or the bright glow of the moon, silver and white are the colors of intuition and purity. They increase Cancer's sensitivity and understanding and encourage a deeper sense of love.

Cancer in white. Photo: Dollar Gill/Unsplash

Lion: golden

The shiny golden color has a positive effect on the Leo's warm heart and strengthens his positive spirit. Golden color, shining in royal splendor, has always been the color of prestige and power. So it is no wonder that the lion, the king of the jungle, is attracted to this sublime color. The color gold gives him the attention he needs and supports his generous nature and warm, optimistic outlook on life.

Virgo: green and brown

Classic, natural browns and greens help Virgo keep both feet on the ground and focus on progress. The color brown represents stability and encourages the careful and methodical approach to life that Virgos have. In nature, green is the color of growth, which reinforces the ever-present desire to improve.

Libra: pink and blue

Pinks and light blues help Libras open their hearts and soften their presence. These pale shades bring a soothing and endearing touch to the Libra personality. Light blue, symbolizing a cool, light breeze, increases clarity and balance, while pink encourages the love side of Libra.

Scorpio in black. Photo: Urban Gyllstrom / Unsplash

Scorpio: Black

The dark and mysterious black color helps Scorpio to stay curious and focused. Black represents the depth in which Scorpios live and reinforces their desire to wander beneath the surface and question everything. In Western culture, the color black is associated with birth and death, enhancing the scorpion's power and ability to transform.

Sagittarius: Purple

The color of spirituality and awareness, lush purple encourages Sagittarians to tap into their philosophical side, enlightenment and openness. As the color of abundance, purple reinforces the natural happiness and positive nature of Sagittarians and their pursuit of wider horizons.

Capricorn: brown and gray

Earthy brown and gray colors help Capricorn find the best and most practical path in life. These strong and natural colors reinforce the solidarity, reliability and traditionality of Capricorn. As a combination of extremes - black and white, the gray color encourages the conservative nature of Capricorn and its serious approach to life. The brown color represents stability and can strongly influence the determination of a Capricorn who strives for his goals.

Capricorn in brown. Photo: владимир-васильев / Pexels

Aquarius: blue

The calming blue color helps Aquarians balance their restless energy. Like the sky and the waters with which it is associated, blue represents breadth and ensures a smooth flow of ideas, conversations and experimentation. Interesting fact - Uranus, the planet of Aquarius, is also blue!

Pisces: light green

Pale green promotes healing and renewal and encourages fish to connect more with their consciousness. As the color of life, bright green represents renewal and inspiration and promotes the healing and positive energy that fish are known for.

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