
What job would you have if you lived in 1920?

Services in the 1920s

Life in 1920 was completely different than it is today. Many of the jobs that existed back then no longer exist today. Do you ever wonder what you would be doing if you lived back then? Find out below.

Compared to life 25 years ago it seems life in the 21st century like science fiction. How different life was before hundred years!

READ MORE: 15 professions that did not exist a few decades ago

Alarm clock man.
Alarm clock man

If you like to get up early, then you might be interested in the profession of an 'awakener'. Alarm clocks back then they weren't reliable, let alone cheap. Check, what occupation would you have if you were on the job market nine decades ago.

What job would you have if you lived in 1920?

What job would you have if you lived 100 years ago?
What job would you have if you lived 100 years ago?

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