
What makes a woman, according to men, bad in bed?

Sex should be something that elevates the relationship between two people to a higher level of intimacy and emotion, not just the release of emotionless passion or the selfish satisfaction of one's own needs.

A man who truly loves his wife will not tell anyone that she is bad in bed. But those who can say this probably associate some other things with sexuality, such as a woman's insecurity about her physical appearance, using sexuality for manipulation, insufficient effort... These are some of the reasons why some men may think that intercourse is not of sufficient quality.

Women's insecurity about physical appearance

Many women find it uncomfortable to undress in front of their partner or make love with the lights on. It just shows that they feel they are not beautiful and perfect enough and they are ashamed of it. This in turn leads to low self-esteem, shyness and the fact that they can't actually relax in bed.

Nobody is perfect! Such a man simply does not exist. We all have flaws and we should all be aware of this and accept both our own and other people's shortcomings.

A man who sincerely and deeply loves the woman he lives with will also love all her flaws. So relax and allow your partner to get to know your body down to the smallest details. Gather your courage and put on a sexy piece of lingerie. You will feel more confident and attractive and therefore more relaxed.

Lack of intimacy and closeness

Being intimate with your partner is the key to any quality relationship. The culmination of this is sexuality. Some women know how to punish or blackmail their partners by denying them intimate moments. This is not good, not smart. Manipulation of any kind, especially this, cannot end well.

There are women who deny intimacy to their partner unconsciously, especially in long-term relationships. A relaxed hug, a kiss, a kind word, these are things that should happen every day. This shows someone that we genuinely love them for who they are, and this in turn leads to a better sex life.

What makes a woman, according to men, bad in bed?

The increasingly neglected appearance of a woman

Just because you've been in a relationship for a long time doesn't mean you have to completely neglect your looks. It's normal that you won't wear makeup every morning just to make yourself more attractive to your partner, because he likes you even without layers of makeup on your face. But sometimes you have to make a little more effort and ignite the passion that was there at the beginning of the relationship.

Also, do not allow yourself to walk around the house all the time, for example, with dirty and disheveled hair, in torn tracksuits, hairy legs and with an increasing number of kilograms. If you allow yourself to do this, not only will you look worse, but you will feel worse, your self-esteem will drop, and this will affect your sex life.

Some men told revelist.com what sexually bothers them about women:

"I don't like it when a woman just lies down and spreads her legs and waits for me to do everything myself. For me, there is nothing worse than that.”

"Passivity is terrible to me when a woman seems to have no idea about her body and what she likes. I can't describe how annoying it is when the woman you're in bed with doesn't react and you can't get feedback on whether something is good or not.”

“I hate it when he makes fake noises during sex. I'd rather have a quiet moan, and a sincere one, than a fake scream."

"It's not pleasant at all when he compares you to an ex-boyfriend. Personally, I don't mind that others were ahead of me, but I don't want to think about it."

"The lack of communication before or during sex bothers me. If he's having a good time or wants something, I'd like him to tell me."

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