
What does a child see in the mirror and what does an adult see? Get ready for a shock!

Mirror: Adult Vs. a child

The difference between what a child sees in the mirror and what an adult sees is extraordinary. I hate my hair, my mouth, my nose... When we adults look in the mirror, we mostly only see flaws. As children we are satisfied with what we have, but as adults we only see beauty flaws and imagine what we would be like if we had different hair, bigger breasts, smaller nose... When we grow, we don't just outgrow clothes, bicycles, beds and the like, but also self-confidence. Check what the child sees in the mirror and what the adults see.

A mirror, man's friend or foe? It depends who you ask. Children see the world more simply than we do, adults. They do not judge others based on their appearance, they do not find fault in everything and they are sincere in their actions. Virtues that even adults would like to have.

READ MORE: Lucy intelligent mirror – natural light in every home!

Sometimes, as adults, we wish we could see the world through a child's eyes.
Sometimes, as adults, we wish we could see the world through a child's eyes.

These are lost somewhere along the way of growing up, and as adults we constantly compare ourselves to others. But if everyone was the same, the world would be boring as hell, wouldn't it? And know that they are confident people - not arrogant - ten times more attractive than people with a pretty face and a bad opinion of themselves. This clip clearly shows how you should stop stumble over mistakes every time we look in the mirror. Because if you constantly train your mind to only see the negative, it will become a habit. Life is quite a lot more than just the exterior.

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