
What does the mandala and its secret messages say about you?

Mandalas are pictographic representations of the spiritual world and time. They can be found in all major Buddhist and Hindu temples around the world. In the article, first look at the picture of six possible mandalas and choose the one that attracts you the most. Under its number, you can then read what the mandala and its mysterious messages say about you.

Mandalas are pictorial representations of the spiritual universe used in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Look at the picture below and choose the mandala that attracts you the most. Under her number, read what the mandala and its mysterious messages say about you.

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Which mandala appeals to you the most?
Which mandala appeals to you the most?

1 – you distinguish right from wrong

You are very ambitious and your dreams are certainly not small. You also have a highly developed sense of right and wrong. There is nothing you hate more than exploitation, nepotism and prejudice.

2 – you are very truthful

You swear by the categorical imperative of unconditional truth. Even if a white lie would save someone pain, distress or embarrassment, you don't decide on it. For you, truth is the most important value and the essence of moral life.

3 – you are attentive to everyone

You are a very good listener and you pay attention to everyone, so you have a wide network of friends and you are always warmly welcomed in different work groups.

4 – you are a very charismatic person

Whatever you undertake, you are likely to succeed and flourish, because your indestructible charisma is imbued in each of your projects.

5 – you are a fighter

You are a very brave person who always fights according to your values. You know what you want to achieve in life and you won't give up until you reach your goal. Also, one of your greatest qualities is that you often stand up for the weaker ones.

6 – you always take care of others

You are patient, gentle and never judge others. Your friends value you very much, because you are a strong support for them in times of need.

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