
What does the time you wake up in the middle of the night say about you?

Photo: Duncan Shaffer/Unsplash

Do you happen to wake up at night or is your sleep far from quality? Research shows that more and more people are facing problems in the field of sleep, and their causes can be different: you will find them not only if you look at your lifestyle, but also if you find out exactly when you wake up. We asked what the conclusions of traditional Chinese medicine are: what does the time you wake up in the middle of the night say about you?

1. Insomnia between 9 and 10 p.m.:

Many besides night waking are also faced with insomnia. If honey 9 and 10 p.m. in the evening what you can't and can't sleep, the cause of this most often lies in stress. It also causes you to feel tired all too quickly fails to release and that even in bed you think about worries, which you met during the day.
We suggest you start listening before going to bed soothing music or meditation. It will also help you if your thoughts you write it down or talk about them with someone talk.

2. Waking up between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.:

Traditional Chinese Medicine claims that waking up at the beginning of the night is usually associated with feelings disappointments in the field of emotions. It is these feelings that can have a very negative effect on our health gallbladder, whose condition is also related to ours self-confidence, passion and the will to live.
That's why experts advise taking sleep problems as a sign to get started take care of yourself and for your health– both mentally and physically. You are a disappointment allow yourself to feel, and then allow yourself to do as well step forward and hope don't lose. The easiest way to do this is via conversations and positive affirmations.

Waking up between 1 and 3 am:

Waking up during 1 and 3 in the morning Chinese medicine connects with feelings has already. This emotion accumulates in ours liver, and negative effects occur mainly when we do not allow ourselves to do so Express. Therefore, it is very important not to perceive anger as evil emotions, but you accept it as part of the human experience. Allow yourself to have it to feel, let it be through screaming, sports or creativity.
Because anger is rarely without the cause, it is also important that Mr you find and the situation with the person that evoked this emotion in you, clear up.

The easiest way to express anger is through sports Photo: Andres Aryton / Pexels

Waking up between 3 and 5 am:

The end of the night is the time when they are most active in our body lungs. Traditional Chinese medicine claims that this organ is responsible for movement of energy through the body, but also assures us immune protection. Therefore, waking up at this time means that you are facing difficult periods of life: you might be in a phase mourning, you may be in life lost, you may feel depression
The important thing is that when you wake up, you try relax, deep to breathe and be as much as possible in contact with your body.

Waking up between 5 and 7 am:

Early morning is our most active intestines. This can be found in imbalance, if in life we hold things that us they no longer serve. It can mean that we are aware that someone the relationship has no future, but we still don't want it finish. It can also indicate that deep down we feel that it is time for new beginnings, yet steps into the unknown we are afraid.
Therefore, the easiest way to prevent waking up early is to deal with your emotions face it and you accept, that your current environment or persons are no longer intended.

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