
What to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner when you have a hangover?

We have already heard and followed countless suggestions and recipes on how to banish nausea and malaise after a wild beer night. Some worked, some didn't. Sometimes it happens that the feeling is even worse. What if we could get to the bottom of the truth once and for all and solve the problems that are probably even more common these days?

If last night was full of toasts and ended with "I stopped counting", the morning is probably quite gloomy and tiring. In this case, we recommend that you pour and drink when you get up two glasses of water. Alcohol is your body dehydrated and needs some liquid first. Then prepare ginger tea with honey, which should replace coffee.

Caffeine it is diuretic, which takes care of the extra draining water from the body, which you don't need in the given situation. Ginger tea with honey to add to the sweet mix fructose, should work more beneficially. Fructose is supposed to accelerate the metabolism of the remaining alcohol in the body.

Start your day with ginger tea.
Start your day with ginger tea.

Then treat yourself to breakfast egg omelette with mushrooms or flakes. They contain eggs the amino acid cysteine, which should help break down ethanal, the culprit for our malaise. Avoid dairy products, as even a healthy body has a harder time digesting them.

Tomato soup it will also work well for your stomach, which is probably irritated from all the alcohol consumed. Glucose in tomatoes is supposed to bring the sugar in the body back into balance, so that nausea will be a thing of the past. Then drink a glass of water and eat banana, which will come to the rescue with vitamin B.

Tomato soup will be good for your stomach.
Tomato soup will be good for your stomach.

Eat a meal around noon sushi and miso soup. You don't need hydrates, but rather omega-3 fat and some little rice, and the salt in the miso soup will help with better hydration. If you have access to coconut, drink some coconut water, which is supposed to balance the sodium in your body.

Treat yourself to an afternoon vegetable drink, although the body is probably already crying out for sugar and carbohydrates, but for now it still needs vitamins. Hang in there a little longer, it will pay off. From avocado make a spread and eat it with burnt people.

You will get vitamins with avocado.
You will get vitamins with avocado.

And finally, when it's time for dinner, you can treat yourself french fries and hamburger. You've had a pretty busy day and your body needs some energy. You should not exaggerate the amount, especially if you slowly go to bed.

Otherwise, by heart!

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