
What to eat on hot summer days?

Summer seems to be in full swing these days. But high temperatures also have their disadvantages. Excessive heat seriously disturbs the body, causing irritability, sleep problems, fatigue and, among other things, lack of concentration. Food and drink play such a big role in cooling our body down to a healthy temperature. Here are tips on what to eat on these hot days and what are the pros of such food.

Cooling foods have the ability to cool the body and cleanse it of toxins.

1. Fruit with yogurt

An ideal combination for breakfast. The fruit has a high water content, helps to maintain body fluids that are quickly lost through sweat, and at the same time cools our body. Organic yogurts can encourage gut-friendly bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, which protects against food poisoning. The possibility of poisoning increases dramatically in hot temperatures, as it is difficult to keep food fresh.

2. Vegetables

This is crucial as it contains a lot of liquid. Avoid cooking or roasting vegetables, as this depletes them of water and nutrients.

Baked potatoes
Baked potatoes

3. Baked potatoes or pasta salad

Foods rich in carbohydrates can help fight heat exhaustion. It is recommended that we reach for small snacks with starch and carbohydrates during the day, such as pita bread, which will maintain our blood sugar and energy levels. We can also treat ourselves to baked beans, rice, fruit, yoghurts, milk and spicy food. Although the latter is an unlikely food to crave in this hot weather, spicy foods are said to stimulate heat receptors in the mouth, stimulate blood circulation, and induce sweating, which cools our body.

4. Tzatziki

Greek sauce combines yogurt and cucumbers, which contain as much as 96.4 percent water.

Greek Tzatziki Sauce
Greek Tzatziki Sauce

5. Watercress

Watercress is a rich source of minerals, including iron, which some experts believe we lose when we sweat. This can cause fatigue and numbness. Food that contains a lot of iron and is suitable for hot days is also lean meat, fruit and green vegetables.

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6. Mint

Although mint does not cool the entire body, it cools the tongue and has a refreshing effect.

7. Onions

Red onions in particular contain a chemical called quercetin, which is believed to have an antihistamine effect. Histamine is an irritant that causes heat rashes and the unwanted effects of insect bites and stings. Daily consumption of onions is supposed to alleviate these summer headaches.

8. Marinate the grilled meat

Marinades reduce the level of carcinogenic chemicals produced during grilling of meat. Scientists cannot explain exactly why, but they believe that the high concentration of antioxidants in the marinade, such as vinegar, citrus juices, herbs, spices and olive oil, could be responsible for this.

Meat in marinade
Meat in marinade

9. Bananas

Bananas are a rich source of potassium, which helps regulate body fluid loss caused by excessive sweating. Green vegetables, baked beans, dried fruits and cereals are also rich in potassium.


10. Melons

The most important thing about fruit in these hot days is that it contains a lot of liquid. Melon contains more than 90 percent water.

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