
What does true sincerity mean in a real relationship?

Drawing is the sincerity of art. There is no possibility of cheating. Is it good or bad. - Salvador Dalí

The seemingly redundant adjectives in the title – true sincerity, true relationship – are in the right place because they point out the difference.

They say there is false sincerity and wrong attitude. And that true sincerity is not sustained in a false relationship, for a false relationship cannot stand the power of truth, any more than false sincerity has no place in a true relationship. The power of real relationship will elevate the truth to the level of reality.

When there is a true connection it is - a connection on the soul level - but it lacks reality, because the players in it are not honest with themselves, or one of them is not and does not become what he is. With this comes suffering, for something must bear the force of truth, and in this the despair is certainly very genuine.

In a real relationship, without real sincerity, learn a lot about power and about truth. You get the strength to bear the truth that with the power of your true sincerity you can do nothing if another being does not know himself. If he doesn't find his truth and doesn't dive into the depths of his soul - he'd rather stay on dry ground. On the side of the ego. One who speaks from a height from which, if he jumps, he can die.

Familiar? I see that bitter smile on your lips when the vision darkens, I see that expression on your face, like I'm looking in a mirror.

This is the face of one who has given his all. And then he kept on giving and giving and giving to the point of absurdity, senselessness and dehumanization.

The one who hit the wall with the crushing power of his sincerity and fell down. The one who told the most exciting stories and sang the sweetest songs to the deaf. In the most colorful colors, he painted fairy-tale shapes under the golden sun and pale moon.

He touched their hearts, but the souls did not hear or see him with deaf ears and blind eyes. And hearts got excited, beat faster, felt the fear of plunging into the unknown worlds of colors and sounds of truth and ran away.

Dry. On the wall. Where it's high enough to die if you fall, and yet it's safer than sinking into yourself, knowing the real truth, being a real being, and having a real connection with another being.

It is sad, painful, terrifying, incomprehensible. And true sincerity tells you "You have nowhere to go, accept it, that's it." And what is most difficult is to accept that you cannot reach a certain being, a certain soul, that you cannot help yourself with the power of love or the power of truth, and that all the power you can and must use is the one you need to you accept it.

You summon your strength to bear the truth, to find peace and stay connected to your being, to sink deep within yourself, to stay there and watch.

Your disobedience says "There must be a solution." Of course. But this does not mean that you will find it or experience it. There are workarounds, but they don't guarantee anything. Especially not, which will be beneficial for both parties, or maybe at least for one.

And that's how you gain all the experience you need to convey real sincerity in the right relationship. It's when someone hears you, and when you can't hear yourself, and because of that your inner voice gets stronger and then you manage to hear yourself.

When you say what you feel and think, and you know your motives—they may be selfish or come from fear or a need to control—then you're talking about your motives, whatever they are.

And you know there will be no condemnation, no hurt, because you will be understood correctly. If not at that moment, then a little later, until the message arrives, until it gets through the filters and patterns of the person you're connected to in the right way. This connection ensures the delivery and reception of all messages.

In the right relationship, you can be all that you are all the time. In a true relationship, that is exactly what is required of you - to be all that you are.

The connection in a true relationship is two-way and continuous, and has its own integrity, which the power of true sincerity does not undermine, but strengthens.

There, no one shouts or mumbles with their hands over their ears so as not to hear and see, but watches and listens vigilantly and carefully so that they do not miss anything.

Here he does not dwell on the rock of the ego, and when he climbs it, he jumps off it, maybe a little bit if he is still hesitant. Here, every misunderstanding, anger, silence turns into insights.

At the beginning and at the end, gratitude is growing, mutual and lasting. It seems easy because everything is fluid. Only immobility creates weight.

All real things are simple, no matter how devastating, horrible, dark content they have processed. And true sincerity in a real relationship does just that.

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