
What did Slovenians buy most often in 2016?

What did Slovenian consumers buy in 2016? GSM phones, televisions and laptops were the most desired among Slovenians. But which smartphone was the hottest product?

On the leading portal for comparison shopping cheaper.si, on which they record more than 1.2 million visits per month and is thus the most relevant source of information for Slovenian consumers both for purchases online and in physical stores, they prepared overview of the hottest products and product groups in 2016, which shows what Slovenians bought most often in the past year.

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What was the most desirable thing among Slovenians in 2016?
What was the most desirable thing among Slovenians in 2016?

They stood out in terms of popularity GSM phones, LED TVs and laptops, which consumers are in constant demand throughout the year, and the main ten product groups together covered more than a quarter of all inquiries for cheaper.si. Interestingly, they made the list due to periods of increased consumer interest tires and lawn mowers, while the other product groups are not markedly seasonal.

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