They say that the face is like a book that can be easily read. Every little wrinkle is written on the pages of this book, and every one of them means something.
A look at a face can reveal what is going on in a person's body. In addition, wrinkles also indicate pain, sadness, fear, joy, laughter, and some health problems of a person.
Let's look at the meaning of some wrinkles.
Wrinkles under the eyes
Wrinkles under the eye, in the plane of the pupil, are associated with sad thoughts, dissatisfaction, inability to express one's feelings. Wrinkles under the eyes can also indicate possible kidney problems.
Small wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes
Small wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes are associated with headaches and eye pain. But they can also be a reflection of playing with the opposite sex and denying love, or express a sense of shame.
A crease that runs from the inner edge of the right eyebrow to the inner corner of the eye
The crease that runs from the inner edge of the right eyebrow to the inner corner of the eye is characteristic of people who observe well or are very sensitive people. They can also occur due to digestive problems, prolonged tension and restlessness, and excessive focus on certain events and people.
A crease that runs from the inner edge of the left eyebrow to the inner corner of the eye
A crease on the left side means a lot of self-centeredness and a tendency to depression. It is also said to be associated with inflammation of the gums due to a weakened immune system.
Photo: Freestocks/Unsplash
Two straight lines running from the inner edges of the eyebrows towards the forehead
Two straight lines running from the inner edges of the eyebrows towards the forehead are said to indicate possible liver problems. They are also associated with nervous tension and problems with decision-making.
A vertical wrinkle starting from the middle of the eyebrow
A vertical wrinkle starting from the middle of the eyebrow is characteristic of people who have problems with authority. They are firm and determined and enjoy a sense of power. They believe in their own abilities. When they fail to achieve what they want, they feel helpless.
A horizontal crease from the middle of the eyebrow
If the crease running from the middle of the eyebrow is horizontal, it means that power is more important to this person than authority. However, the desire to display power recedes to give way to a sense of inner peace.
A wrinkle on the right side of the face that runs from the beginning of the nose to the outer edge
A wrinkle on the right side of the face, running from the beginning of the nose to the outer edge of the face, shows strong nervous tension caused by certain events or persons. Such people often suffer from headaches and insomnia.